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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Challenge Tuesday

I'm at the hospital today with my DD. She has her pre-op appointment today and next week she'll be going in for open heart surgery.

So...I have no card for you today, but I still have a challenge. Go through all the stuff you own and sort it out. I know there's some wonderful paper and other goodies in there that you bought and you can't remember it just sits there...and you know you're never going to use it.

Package it all up and take to your local children's hospital. That's what I do with mine and they very much appreciate it. I'm sure your local children's hospital would appreciate it just as much.

Have a stampin' good day!


  1. praying for your dd! keep us up to date with her sgy and progress!

  2. Great idea. I will go through my stuff and put it aside for Sick Kids for you! Your DD will be in my thoughts throughout!


Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to leave me a comment. I read every one of them and appreciate the time you spend on my blog. Have a GREAT day!