I was browsing SCS "Anything but a card" gallery and there it was! The TimBits box...and a template! You can download a PDF of the template here.
I was giddy with excitement I tell you! Just ask my DD...when I get REALLY excited about something, I get this funny laugh thing going that sounds almost like a cackle. DD does it too...it's genetic - LOL!
I carefully cut out the template, traced it onto Wild Wasabi CS (left over from Winter Brights Scrapping Kit) and went to work. What fun! This is the result:

Are these not two of the cutest boxes you have ever seen? I figure they would be perfect for jewelery gifts, gift cards, etc...I just LOVE THEM!!!
No stamping on these ones...just some DP and CS from the Winter Brights Kit and some stickers too...SO fun! Go make one!!
Happy Stampin'!
Wonderful boxes!! I just loved that kit last year!